Customer Service Chatbot

A React component for a landing page that will collect customer information along with an email address with the intention of routing them to the correct customer service representative depending on context

contacts app preview

Houseplant Tracker App

A React / Redux project with Material UI components that keeps track of all the particulars of a user's houseplants. A registered user can add, edit, and delete plant cards on their profile. The front end uses Reqres to test registration/login and CRUD operations against an API. Test login credentials can be used to demo functionality.

houseplant app preview

API for Fitness App

A RESTful API I built with Express for a fitness app. Full CRUD endpoints are available to front end developers for user's fitness classes and authentication. I used JSON Web Tokens for authentication and Knex to interact with my PostgreSQL database. The API and database are hosted using Heroku CLI. Full list of endpoints and how to interact with them can be found in the GitHub readme.

fitness api postman screenshot

Contacts app using Redux

A simple React app to add, edit, and delete contacts that uses Redux for state management. Material UI for styles and Obi-Wan Kenobi is your first contact.

contacts app preview

Lifelong Learner

After spending the initial period of my career as a Project Manager in the awning trade, I decided to expand my skillset by learning web development and fell in love. The satisfaction felt in picking up a new skill, framework, or language and applying it to make something of value keeps me wanting to continue learning in perpetuity.


Bachelor of Science - Biology
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Lambda School

Full Stack Web Development Program
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Git |
React | Redux | Cypress | Node |
Express | Knex | SQL | Python



Check out my Github profile and repositories. Its a mix of open source contributions, pet projects, and examples of the skills I picked up at Lambda School.



Feel free to shoot me a message on LinkedIn if you want to get in touch!